Technology, especially online shopping analytics, allows retail shoppers to demand more personal and pleasant guest experiences. Traditional brick and mortar retailers must innovate to remain relevant. Macrotrends toward cashier-free checkouts and customized shopping experiences put Apricart at the forefront of the revolution taking place inside grocery stores.
Using a fusion of patent-pending sensor technology and proprietary Machine Vision, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence algorithms, Apricart has created a revolutionary shopping cart that looks like an ordinary cart. Apricart has intentionally designed the unobtrusive camera system to scan goods and collect path-the-purchase (P2P) shopper behavior data discreetly. The amount of shopper data collected is anonymous, unless shoppers choose to identify themselves for greater benefits.
Apricart’s embedded machine vision system sees what goes in and out of the cart, and records the path of the cart through the store geographically and through time. This generates an amazingly rich data set of shoppers’ behaviors, without identifying shoppers’ personal information and without disrupting shoppers’ actions. On a screen, the system offers a platform to influence shopper behavior at the moment of decision, as a customer stands in front of the product.